
Showing posts from January, 2023

How has a life lesson changed your perspective?

How has a life lesson changed your perspective? This is a very phenomenal question to change our mindset to the non-physical dimension, which is a baseline to the human existence. What we are today?  why we are doing something? What should be done to change our current life? What is happening in our life and why it is happening? Allow yourself little bit open, in the acceptance mode of that dimension which will change you, for this life as well as for all those life which we are going to live.... Bravo!!  Let’s understand what is life lessons? The actual meaning is very much diluted in terms of understanding with current human era. if we do not understand what it is? Why it is very important? It will never change our perception, yet we will miss entire life transformation. What I have experienced and understood is, life is phenomenally design with higher dimension and intelligence which is beyond logical mind. This is the one of secret, because most population is stuck in the

How do you accept boring as being a part of life?

How do you accept boring as being a part of life? Let’s understand it. All aspects of life are there for us to accept with the grace and gratitude. I repeat every moment, every situation and every person who crosses our path has to be accepted by us as it is, without judgment. This the starting point of human transformation. according to my experience this the first step to evolve as a human being. Without this stage we can not move further, either success or happiness or blissful essence. Being bored is a very tiny part of it. we are afraid that we are not enough happy, we will have to do something to be happy, so we are afraid of being bored 😐 .  Blessings 💞 Urvashi

Why is ever since I've turned 30 my life's perspective has changed. Everything around me seems almost as If I've lived it before. Why? Why does it seem my gifts have been acting strange? Why can't I connect with people anymore?

Why is  ever since I've turned 30 my life's perspective has changed. Everything around me seems almost as If I've lived it before. Why? Why does it seem my gifts have been acting strange? Why can't I connect with people anymore? 😊 I have been in the same experiences when I was in my 30s. It took me few years to understand what was it. you need to be great full that you are able to understand how you are feeling. You are one of the person who is perfectly realizing what had been designed to realize according to age. Let me explain…… one of the most fabulous human being, who visited earth, said…. We develop human egos from birth to age of 30s, by age of 32, we need to surrender to God, and realize that we are just here to experience, we don’t actually own anything on this planet. This is a beautiful way of living- OSHO Life is designed in a way, where we experienced a pure god consciousness when we are 1–8 years of age. 8–16 years this world introduces it s

How do you make your life matter in today's society?

  This question brought smile 😊 .  This question is so deep that I feel like I want to write a book about it☺️ I will write only what I have experienced. this is purpose of you and me we exist in front of each other…. 👇🏼 There are many ways to make our life matters in the current era. But I would like to explain from the highest point of life. 1.      By contributing at every level of life we could. 2.      By accepting the way people are around us. 3.      By unconditional universal gratitude . 4.      By highest intentions of own mind while performing every act at every moment. 5.      by unconditional universal forgiveness to those who has hurt us in many ways. 6.      We should live life that way that someone look at us and get motivated, get inspired and become contributor to the humanity to raise the consciousness. 7.      I feel that last goal of human life is….👇🏼 Blessings 💜 Urvashi 

How can we practically live a life in which we are constantly aware of the Divine Presence?

  How can we practically live a life in which we are constantly aware of the Divine Presence?   very devotional question 😊 I would love to answer from the final prospective of human essence….. 1.   By being aware of our original self every moment. What I mean by that?  We need to be in the soul consciousness. Free of egos, fear, judgment, prejudices, fear, worthless….ect. 2. By being aware of the truth that I am not the physical body, I am not the mind, I am in this body for short period of time called life. 3. By being aware of the truth that I am here on the physical dimension to experience the “ MAYA” ( possibly means the illusion of being real, but which is not). 4. By understanding the truth that I am spiritual being temporary in this physical body, to realize this dimension. Hopefully after accepting these above truth person could be ready to accept next level of truths…… Now an individual has to understand why he or she has showed up on this planet? 1. every ind