How can we practically live a life in which we are constantly aware of the Divine Presence?


How can we practically live a life in which we are constantly aware of the Divine Presence?

 very devotional question 😊

I would love to answer from the final prospective of human essence…..

1. By being aware of our original self every moment. What I mean by that? We need to be in the soul consciousness. Free of egos, fear, judgment, prejudices, fear, worthless….ect.

2. By being aware of the truth that I am not the physical body, I am not the mind, I am in this body for short period of time called life.

3. By being aware of the truth that I am here on the physical dimension to experience the “ MAYA” ( possibly means the illusion of being real, but which is not).

4. By understanding the truth that I am spiritual being temporary in this physical body, to realize this dimension.

Hopefully after accepting these above truth person could be ready to accept next level of truths……

Now an individual has to understand why he or she has showed up on this planet?

1. every individual has a mission, goal, contribution , to spread divinity on this realm.

2. That is call finding inner purpose for this life.

3. The day person finds his contribution and realizes he is driven by the higher authority, and there is no human egos comes in between….

4. That is state where a person can be in eternal constantly divine presence yet practically ready to contribute to the world yet understand he has no power doing anything without divine grace.

 blessings 💙




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