How has a life lesson changed your perspective?

How has a life lesson changed your perspective?

This is a very phenomenal question to change our mindset to the non-physical dimension, which is a baseline to the human existence.

What we are today? 

why we are doing something?

What should be done to change our current life?

What is happening in our life and why it is happening?

Allow yourself little bit open, in the acceptance mode of that dimension which will change you, for this life as well as for all those life which we are going to live....


Let’s understand what is life lessons? The actual meaning is very much diluted in terms of understanding with current human era.

if we do not understand what it is? Why it is very important? It will never change our perception, yet we will miss entire life transformation.

What I have experienced and understood is, life is phenomenally design with higher dimension and intelligence which is beyond logical mind.

This is the one of secret, because most population is stuck in the logical mind, with logical reasoning mind no creature will understand what is life and beyond. Including science, they can only prove what is physical available on this planet. The non-physical dimension, energy world will not be proven physically by scientists. Since most population never try to come out of logical mind, they don’t understand the truth.

life lessons are milestone, for every soul, while they are in this body. We come here on the planet to experience the physical dimension. While doing that we end up creating karmas. Some short of give and take between two souls. During this process we get manipulated by society, their beliefs, boundaries, insecurities, judgments, perception, low self esteem, feeling worthless, powerless, fearful, and whole lots of negative garbage, accumulated in mind, body ( chiitta). Because of that we lose our original identity, we forgot actually who we are, and become blind followers.

Life lessons are situations, where we need to understand why that particular situation or person brought certain realization? Understand precisely, what is it brought to you to understand? It will help you to get rid of above negative garbage from your mind and body. So that we can be aware of it and shedding those earthy limitations, realizing true potential of being soul in this body, brought to this world for higher purpose.

If don’t understand these lessons, we can not move further in the human’s awareness, and will be in the cycles of birth and death. Suffering and happiness. Kindness and cruelty.

now we need to choose consciously. Why we are here? Because we are writing our own destiny. It is our job. God has only job, to love us unconditionally.


blessings 💜



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