
Showing posts from July, 2022

How to be at ease, stress free calm and relaxed every moment in this fast paced life ?

How to be at ease, stress free calm and relaxed every moment in this fast paced  life ? My Personal experience is, realization of ultimate truth, gives an individual a permanent calmness and vibrant energy. You will find millions of different advices for life to help get on the track on the internet saying ……. self love healthy diet, Inner peace, Being responsible and so on. I want to emphasize, these above mentioned aspects are indeed important for happiness in the life, BUT if we achieve , allow ourselves to accept the higher truth, just realize it while we are still breathing, I can assure you that all these dimensions that we have work to get them to make life better, will eventually, naturally and phenomenally become living reality for all humans. How to be calm, tension free and live at ease every moment, in this busy , fast paced life? All it takes , we need to be willing , we need to dare to accept the truth. I would like to declare it , as a truth instead of though process. Th

How do you go about your life when you have no one to rely on? Why life is our own making?

How do you go about your life when you have no one to rely on? Why life is our own making? Accepting the fact that everyone is coming on perfect time in the life, and leaving on perfect time. We need to realize what they brought to our life? A lesson or Success. God knows who to bring in your life and when to remove them, in terms of your personal growth. Nothing is permanent in this life , except the continuous change. so how to deal with this? Buddhism says” we all are here to liberate each other” what it means……we appear in someone’s life to help them to learn their lessons and vice versa. Ones we Learned that lessons we are free from it. Enjoy the next level. It is like we are part of multi layered matrix called this world, designed by Universe. We are in the game where we can not finish our own life cycle without learning our lessons (which we have earlier denied, ignored, try to escape). We need to graduate every level to go back to our original home. It is a huge game. But it so

How to live your life to the fullest?

  How to live your life to the fullest? L ovely question 🤗 I will explain in three steps. you will love your life like never before…..Basically this a healing therapy for any human being on this planet. I can design this therapy for an individual if I have particular information that what healing should be done. But since question is general, I will try to explain from general perspective. Step:1 Clear your past traumas. ( when I say trauma, means emotional pains, physical pain and guilt) Forgive yourself from deep down for the mistakes that you have done it until now.( including your past lives) Forgive yourself from deep down for the mistakes that you have not done it but yet you feel guilty for it , or someone has make you feel guilty for it.( that was not your fault) Forgive the people who has damaged you in a way that has been there in your emotional world.( you are going to argue, that it is easy to say but harder to do it, I agree with you! It is…But listen to me… they might do