How to live your life to the fullest?

 How to live your life to the fullest?

Lovely question 🤗

I will explain in three steps. you will love your life like never before…..Basically this a healing therapy for any human being on this planet.

I can design this therapy for an individual if I have particular information that what healing should be done.

But since question is general, I will try to explain from general perspective.

Step:1 Clear your past traumas.

( when I say trauma, means emotional pains, physical pain and guilt)

  1. Forgive yourself from deep down for the mistakes that you have done it until now.( including your past lives)
  2. Forgive yourself from deep down for the mistakes that you have not done it but yet you feel guilty for it , or someone has make you feel guilty for it.( that was not your fault)
  3. Forgive the people who has damaged you in a way that has been there in your emotional world.( you are going to argue, that it is easy to say but harder to do it, I agree with you! It is…But listen to me… they might don’t deserve forgiveness, but you definitely deserve the peace and happiness in your life.)
  4. Forget the people who has left your life and you feel still responsible for that.( they were meant to leave, since God knows what is better for you)
  5. And last, give up all the grudge and resentment against people and own shelf.( it will heal certain physical and mental illnesses. On top of that it will clear all karmic cycle with the people for this life and a past life. )

by following this 5 steps, you will clear karmic cycles, psychosomatic diseases, mental issues and all those illnesses where nothing seems helping for healing.

Step:2 start living in present moment.( now that we are healed from past, we can work for present )

  1. all your power is in the current moment. Every moment, every breath gives you a new opportunity to take your life to the next level
  2. Take responsibility for for your actions , current life.
  3. Leave your past and future, they only gives you burden, be in the present moment ( that is the only option human being has, and that is what meditation is all about)

Step:3 stop worrying about future.

  1. future is imagination. When we are worried about the things that has not happened, or we are insecure about the things which could happened. They give us anxiety.
  2. Since we have no control over future, all we can do is be in the present moment, take responsibility, do the right actions and be responsible for our future.
  3. Last but not least- accept the truth that “whatever happens, is for our good “
  4. Be faith full “ at the end all dots connects”

so, now you are free from your past and future. Your are ready vibrate in the moment. That is call power of now.

Blessings 💜💙


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