How to be at ease, stress free calm and relaxed every moment in this fast paced life ?

How to be at ease, stress free calm and relaxed every moment in this fast paced  life ?

My Personal experience is, realization of ultimate truth, gives an individual a permanent calmness and vibrant energy.

You will find millions of different advices for life to help get on the track on the internet saying …….

self love

healthy diet,

Inner peace,

Being responsible and so on.

I want to emphasize, these above mentioned aspects are indeed important for happiness in the life, BUT if we achieve , allow ourselves to accept the higher truth, just realize it while we are still breathing, I can assure you that all these dimensions that we have work to get them to make life better, will eventually, naturally and phenomenally become living reality for all humans.

How to be calm, tension free and live at ease every moment, in this busy , fast paced life?

All it takes , we need to be willing , we need to dare to accept the truth.

I would like to declare it , as a truth instead of though process.

The truth that makes me believe that life is limited to birth and death but what is inside the body that frequency called soul goes beyond. It is eternal. Everyone has a definite purpose to come on this planet.

Once you know that you are on the mission and got here, you will be amazed by realizing what power is already there within your self. You will naturally develop a healthy, wealthy and prosperous life. You will not survive but you will start contributing your skills and knowledge to this world!!

So let’s not waste time, and make meaningful contributions. Happiness lies there beyond this understanding. It gives you permanent freedom from all and everything. It will make you more responsible as well as you will realize you are a definite key person playing important role in the Universe ๐Ÿ˜Š

Love and blessings ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก


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