
Showing posts from January, 2022

4. Power to accept

 4. Power to accept   As we have discussed before once we developed power to withdraw, we developed power to let go, therefore we understood power to tolerate. In that continuity we would developed power to accept.  All there powers are connected to each other. If we understand deeply one power we would naturally get the next one. Lets understand this.....  When we are weak, we can not overcome with expectations, we can not overcome with desires. We think it is natural to have them. Once we have long list of expectations, we deplete our soul power since we are solely depends on others. When we do meditation every day, what we will realize first that our expectations from ourselves and from everyone around us decreases. Hence the soul power increases. Power to accept increases. We become stable within ourself. We get to know our power within and that leads us to get stabilized to the outer world. Acceptations  does not mean we have to accept untruth or injustice or wrong people in life.

3. Power to tolerate.

  3. Power to tolerate. When we say I can not tolerate, we are creating boundaries of our limitations.  We have judgments that we can tolerate one person but not others. We have our own criteria who can fit in there  regardless what is truth. We feel we tolerate one situation because it has our expectation attached with it, but at the same time we can not tolerate next one. We are manipulating ourselves. Since we do that we never realized our powers.  Our acceptance level is very low which is known has low tolerance in today's world. We need to create higher level of acceptance for our own self first. Since we have judgments and not enough respect and love for our own self we can not give it to others.  That is why it has said that "we can not give someone what we don't have."  We must create deep level of approval for own self. The soul who loves himself only will be able to love rest of the world, who will stop self abuse, emotional abuse for him self will not creat

2. Power of let go

Continuation of 8 Powers of human being. Blog Series of Human powers . Power#2:  Power of let go All the 8 powers are inter connected to each other. If we learn to implement one power which leads to build the next power by itself. I have explain power#1 power to withdraw in previous blog.  what it means when we say Power to let go. We keep holding certain pains in life as a past memory, guilt, expectations and some personal image and many more. By holding them in mind or heart we only create suffering for ourselves and others. In addition to that we create lots of negative perception for future events and people based on our painful aspect which we are dragging every moment with us. Since we can not let it go, we are suffering with mental illness as well as physical illness. As a result we can not have peaceful life, which is the basic need of life. So what we have to let it go..... 1. Past- painful  memory, people.       Forgive them and let it go. 2. Guilt- if we have make mistake we

You and me are the same essence of higher source! Life is a celebration of that oneness!

  You and me are the same essence of higher source! Life is a celebration of that oneness! When we say we should love each other.  We should have compassion for each other.  We should have empathy  for each other.  We should have kindness for each other. How do we reach that state when we say we should have it. Lets understand....  If we don't understand why and how to bring that state? It will end up as a just another temporary idea of human mind. Because we need to have deep realization of why it is necessary to do it.  My point is when we realize we all are same, one from same source, having human experience on this planet. The day we realize the oneness, life becomes celebration of the oneness.  When we say we should love each that shows, we are still in compulsive act. We must love each other that shows still and again we are in compulsive act. I want to remove that compulsiveness by writing my explanation..... My understanding is We love each in a state of choice lessness. Th