2. Power of let go

Continuation of 8 Powers of human being. Blog Series of Human powers.

Power#2: Power of let go

All the 8 powers are inter connected to each other. If we learn to implement one power which leads to build the next power by itself.

I have explain power#1 power to withdraw in previous blog. 

what it means when we say Power to let go.

We keep holding certain pains in life as a past memory, guilt, expectations and some personal image and many more. By holding them in mind or heart we only create suffering for ourselves and others. In addition to that we create lots of negative perception for future events and people based on our painful aspect which we are dragging every moment with us.

Since we can not let it go, we are suffering with mental illness as well as physical illness. As a result we can not have peaceful life, which is the basic need of life.

So what we have to let it go.....

1. Past- painful memory, people. 

     Forgive them and let it go.

2. Guilt- if we have make mistake we hold that guilt over the life, I could not do enough? how do I got the failure, How could I made some one's life miserable.   

    Forgive yourself. 

3. Expectations: family, friends, their behavior, their thinking, their  approach could not be as we expect. 

    Let it go. 

4. Self-image: We have created ourself image in our mind and expect people should treat us in a certain way.

    That idea should go away.

We have attachment for being always right. We are very judgmental about every person and situation, hence it is very shuttle that most of us don't realize that we are following that patterns.

Once we release them, we will be light, adjustable, adaptable and flexible. We will be easy and lovable to ourselves and others. We will resolve most of the issues for current life. We will be ready to welcome new path and will gift ourselves peace, health, wealth and happiness.

We will be powerful in the world because we have the soul power now to go beyond life since we have resolved pending issues for this life.

Love and Blessings 💛



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