3. Power to tolerate.

 3. Power to tolerate.

When we say I can not tolerate, we are creating boundaries of our

limitations.  We have judgments that we can tolerate one person but not others. We have our own criteria who can fit in there  regardless what is truth. We feel we tolerate one situation because it has our expectation attached with it, but at the same time we can not tolerate next one. We are manipulating ourselves. Since we do that we never realized our powers. 

Our acceptance level is very low which is known has low tolerance in today's world.

We need to create higher level of acceptance for our own self first. Since we have judgments and not enough respect and love for our own self we can not give it to others. 

That is why it has said that "we can not give someone what we don't have." 

We must create deep level of approval for own self. The soul who loves himself only will be able to love rest of the world, who will stop self abuse, emotional abuse for him self will not create any negative energy for rest of the world. Now that person only will have power to see real world as it is without judging it. 

Whatever energy we create within ourselves, we will end up having that kind of power, hence we only see world with that perception window. If our own energy becomes pure and positive, therefore we can see this world with that purity. The beauty is every soul has power to nurture and give love, if that is developed within an individual for himself, than there is innate power comes with it to nurture and love this world with same intensity. 

Now there is no question of tolerating someone. This is a state where we do not tolerate the world, but we accept it deep down.

It brings state of liberation, freedom, fear less and embracement to the existence!!

Love and Blessings 💚


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