What is the biggest truth every one must realize in the life ?

 Accepting the fact that everyone is coming on perfect time in the life, and leaving on perfect time.

We need to realize what they brought to our life. 

 A lesson or Success.

God knows who to bring in your life and when to remove them, in terms of your personal growth.

Nothing is permanent in this life , except the continuous change.

so how to deal with this?

Buddhism says” we all are here to liberate each other”

what it means……we appear in someone’s life to help them to learn their lessons and vice versa. Ones we Learned those lessons we are free from it. Enjoy the next level. It is like we are part of multi layered matrix called this world, designed by Universe. We are in the game where we can not finish our own life cycle without learning our lessons (which we have earlier denied, ignored, try to escape). We need to graduate every level to go back to our original home. It is a huge game, yet so vast, deep and phenomenally design that we need to follow those rules ☺️. ( I feel like I should write a book about those rules 😇)

we do not have to be sad about it, instead try to bring your real power from within because you are free from this worldly drama.

Being fearless brings inner power. The people who attained this level, they bring revolution to the world single handed.

the world is witnessing those revolutionary people, who has accepted that life is solo trip for individual soul growth. We can be together, help each other but self accession is solo.   

so enjoy ☺️.

Blessings 💙



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