What does it mean to evolve in the life? Why it is important to evolve beyond life?


Actually, you are ready to evolve in your higher dimension to find out who you really are? Your subconscious mind is asking you what the real reason that you have come to this physical body? What is the purpose of life on this planet?

it is difficult to describe in few words because words have it own limitations. or it can not be described at all, it has to be experienced!!

let me try! But words have it own limitations as well as human logical mind has its own limitations to understand!!

1. We are spiritual beings, having human experience temporarily in this body.

2. We basically came here to experience the physical aspects of this material world.

3. Yet we need to make our way to experience that nothing is as worthy enough on this planet as the divine love.

4. We need to experience the individual self to universal self. (what I mean is we all are one, due to time and space it feels and seems individual, we need to understand at experience it)

5. Human life is all about contributions

6. These rest are side business (job, survival processes between birth and death.)

7. We are actually in multi dimensional matrix. ( all the rules apply when we take human bodies, nature’s law, karmic law, spiritual laws) this laws are truth, they are driven by Universe. no body, I repeat no creature can escape them while they have physical body.

8. The truth is to evolve from this physical dimension to higher dimension every creature has to follow those rules. There is no way around.

9. We must live happily. I think it is other way around, we live happily because happiness is the true nature of soul. The higher powers are only made of love. The God is love. That energy is love. Out of love Universe allowed us to come to planet to experience this human life. We are part of it. We are made of love, made with love. So, when we say we living happily, it means live divinely.

10.  Again, it is not enough to describe what it is, I can’t not write enough 😌

11.  I have experienced that one life is not enough to understand the intentions of Universe, how and why he designed this phenomenon matrix with physical world and all soul connection with pure energy.

12.  Every word is a deep spiritual experience and exploration of this realm.





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