What is desire? Why we are suffering with desires?

 Why we are not satisfied with love in this world?

Why we are not satisficed with our desires/intimacy?

Lets understand deeply.

"Nothing is attractive, it is our own unsatisfied desires are giving perception of being them attractive"- Urvashi Mehta 

"Life is neutral, we give a meaning to it."-Urvashi Mehta

What does it mean?

when we have deep rooted desires, we will be attracted to those kind of people, objects or situation. Desires could be positive or negative. Hence you will attract positive or negative people or circumstances in life. 

You are going to  ask me Urvashi...

What is wrong having desires? 

Without desires what could be life look like? 

I want to enjoy my desires....

My point is, If you want to understand the suffering of human life, than you must understand how this physicals dimension is designed? Why humans are always running after something in the life? Why we as a people, we always chase something or other in entire life, either consciously or subconsciously? Why we do not have peace even after achieving the desired state of life? we might get happy but why it that state of being happiness is temporary?

How does this human emotion work?  What is the need of desires in the life in the first place?

What if I tell you, human desires are not the cause of suffering. Because in spiritual terms it is said that, and most of the population has misunderstood it. 

Desires are important to navigate the life. Desires are powerful because it has emotions attached with it. 

To drive and navigate through physical life, desires are the main cause. Because we have desires and we attach our emotions with it, it becomes fuel for the manifestation.

Point to be noted to manifest or to apply law of attraction, other rules applies as spiritual, karmic, nature. Having identified yourself with desires, attached with it, is a root cause of human suffering. 





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