
Showing posts from March, 2023

Why do some people like to be alone?

 Why do some people like to be alone? Let’s not generalize this question for all of them who likes to be alone. being alone is different. being lonely is different. I am going to explain only the what it means to be alone or by own self. this world creates lots of drama and it kills your inner peace. We loose a whole lot of energy from our life to maintain this drama. when people around you do not vibrate on same frequency as yours. When people do not see the goal or future as you see for yourself. when people around you do not help you to maintain your identity as well as help you succeed. People who goes so deep in spiritual path, will have compassion and grace for others but they will know deeply that every person is faking their emotions, hence they laugh inside but keep distance. Being alone is power. It is powerful. It gives tremendous strength in any area of life. Because that individual knows he can achieve whatever he wants without relying on someone. Aloneness is not negative

Why do so many people find a need to be "fit in"?

  Why do so many people find a need to be "fit in"? we are the people who live our life based on other people’s validation people feel lonely with themselves so they go chasing others. people are not in love with themselves, yet they run after someone to feel loved. we are attention seekers. We love attention of most kind. 95% population is only listening to you so that they can talk, to deliver their opinions. ( actually they are not at all interested in your opinion) People feel smart if they can express themselves in front of someone, how much they know about something. So they are trying to do it. In general, they are chasing their self worthiness, they think they will get it with , or by other people. Who has reached to inner peace, will not seek outside validation. Blessings 🌺 

Who is perfect human being?

 Who is perfect human being? This is my very personal opinion….. If the Universe , the creator, the vast cosmos, the energy who has created entire universe from its own energy, himself/ herself decides to take human form and take birth to the planet earth, he/ she will be the beyond perfection, the most handsome, the most powerful, beyond intelligence and so on……( so funny, I am adding he/she, so nobody feels offended, if universe decides to be a man or woman 😜) Why? because when we talk about being perfect, it is also a human perception. what is being perfect? Who is going to decide, what do the criteria are for being perfect? the imperfect have perceptions and judgments to decide those criteria. let’s note this point, being imperfect is not necessarily negative state, but remaining in that imperfect state, and not trying enough to evolve ourselves as a consciousness, it is negative karma, we are performing against ourselves. Who is going to repay? Ourselves. this repays are very exp