Why is it that nothing I do is ever good enough?

Why is it that nothing I do is ever good enough?

So deep question….

if this question is arising in your mind, it is sign that you are ready to accept the truth of existence that most humans are not ready yet.

Why the most things in the life never satisfy us? Why we are always on the go? Why we always move to next, once we get to the point where we wanted to be?

We should go to the bottom of the answer to find real truth.

As life is designed in a way so that every human has higher chances to grow. Human beings are not just designed to come on this planet and survive ( eat, drink, reproduced, pay bills, talk about world that how bad it is, and so on).

But we are here to thrive, flourish, nurture, find the the truth, contribute to the world, appreciate the nature, respect every creatures on the planet, understanding of nature’s laws that how do they work and so on….

Now why did we forget the real purpose and fall in the trap of survival? (this is the deepest understanding, if humans allow themselves to accept it, they will have health, wealth and happiness in this moment.)

we forgot because we lost our original identity. We lost our original values, essence of being human. We are not meant to achieve one thing and not others. We are not limited to achieve only one dimension of life. But we are whole. We are limitless. We have no boundaries of our capabilities and goals. This is gifted from God. But what we are doing right now?

We try to achieve one aspect, and we think we will be happy, once we achieve that. But what happens, it gives us satisfaction for few days, and than we get bored with it. And we move to next one without even realizing.

example: a child go to school. Parent make him understand that if you do good in the school, you will have better life. Once he finished school, he is again convinced that if he do good in university, he will be better at his carrier. Once he finishes, he will think getting better job will make successful. Ones he get it, he will think finding beautiful, faithful, loving partner will make him happy. One it is achieved he want kids, once it is done he has now tons of other desires to deal with it. This is not wrong at all. But What we are missing here is how we look at the life. It is always what is next. Our mind are trained for what is next? We think happiness is in the next moment ones we achieve the next moment goals.

What is my point here is , we need to take life as a journey. We humans need thrills. We need them to feel that we are alive. It is a great way to live. But if we identify ourselves to the bigger truth. We will understand why earthy materialistic stuff doesn’t truly satisfy us.( it is a vast topic to write, may be in another post)

Our original identity is….๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ

“We are not human being experiencing spiritual life, we are spiritual being experiencing human life for this brief time called life.”

We are in search of satisfaction on the earthy level, while our search is taking us to the higher truth. Which is the final goal of yours, mine and the rest of the humans.

Once you realize, you will be and eternal being ready to be at service, contributing to the world at your best.

You will heal your current life as well as rest of all.

If this last paragraph triggers you a burning question within yourself, than probably my explanation has worked as my intentions are to create deep sense of journey of finding the truth ๐Ÿ˜Š

blessings ❤️๐Ÿงก



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