The world seems out of control. How do I cope, survive, and thrive?

 The world seems out of control. How do I cope, survive, and thrive?

This question brought a smile on my face 😊.

Question has power to bring a depth and ultimate power to live this life.

Let’s understand the very fundamental rules of living happy and satisfied life.

The world is out of control, because every situation of life, every aspect of life are out of control. If we notice every single moment, whatever happens throughout those moments, is out of control. Even the breath that we are taking , are out of control. We don’t breathe, it happens.

We don’t control anything in outer world.

All we have is only one control, our inner world.

now , we need to understand that entire human life is designed to realize, where to focus, where to master, where is the key to live a magnificent life.

The key is 👇🏼

“instead of trying to control outside world, we need to master our inner world!” This process is called life , and it is totally based on spirituality. ( point to be noted- we tend to think that being spiritual and being religious is same , BUT spirituality has nothing to do with religion, some one can be totally spiritual and not religious, vice versa)

we need to understand this process in three steps.

  1. To master inner self , there are proven techniques from thousands of years by ancient yoga. ( yoga is not what people has understood, yoga is not about doing exercise with certain posture, be careful where you spend your energy, your money and get the knowledge).
  2. Now cope up and being survive comes naturally, since you have the natural’s law working for you.
  3. thrive- once we master the inner energy, it doesn’t let’s us survive, it is bound to take us to the thriving.

Nature has certain laws, if we follow them, we are bound to thrive in a single life. We can transcend the human life. All it takes us to realize and willingness to keep that fire burning within us to reach that potential which is already there within us. We just need some GURU and their kindness to show the path.

Blessings 💜



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