Should you live your life to satisfy other people?

 Should you live your life to satisfy other people?

Interesting question 😊…

I have experienced that we can not satisfied or make happy other person, it is their duty to be satisfied and happy. We can definitely do what is needed or beyond, but it is totally depends on their inner being, what they are choosing to be.

Entire drama begins here, every one blames others for being responsible for their pain and misery. No one is taking responsibility of their inner issues. So it is easy to blame others, and not feeling bad about their own self.

We only reflect what we are within ourselves. If I am happy and satisfied deep down, I will definitely be happy with rest of the world, because I am not expecting anything from anyone. But if I have prejudices and judgment, I will complain of everything and everyone for not being right.

my experience is 👇🏼

Blessings 💙💜



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