Let’s shift ourselves from compulsion to creation

In this blog, I want to take you to the new intensity, a new level, a new dimension, a new approach of life where we really fulfill a purpose of human being.

Let’s understand, what do I Mean by that? 

This cosmos, Planetary system, earth, nature and every creature on this planet were created by God, that power who runs this entire creation. This entire existence is expression of God out of his love for us. That is why it has called creation. Every molecule to atom to macrocosm is called creation. God is creator.

So, What I understood is we are the creation of God due to his love. If we realize how amazing and phenomenal this creation is, If we look in the binocular or we look through telescope, we can realize his artistry and brilliance. It is immense enough that can not be figured out by human in one life.

We need multiple lives just to understand his intentions.

The Creator is simply Genius, an engineer, designer, architect, inventor, generator, author, writer, initiator, developer, originator, producer, director, maker and artist, scientist, teacher, healer, communicator. He is expressing his love through all this titles.

He is a lover, husband, father, son, daughter, wife, mother, every title of relations we hold, He is expressing his love.

Aren’t you thinking?

Hey! What does this have to do with creation and compulsion?

what is it?

Why do we need?

How to do it?

I want to corelate to day-to-day life.

When we express ourselves God's way, it will call creation.

God’s way is love. When we are full of love, I have enough for myself than only I can give to someone else. My self is whole, entire, complete, filled with devotion and kindness for myself and every creature around me.

This the state where we are ready to express our soul.  This realization has to be experienced in our life to understand the real nature of our soul. When we are compulsive, we can not be able to express true human essence. This is the secret of our existential purpose on this planet.

We have lost out original identity over the ages. We forgot to fulfill our real purpose. We are facing the dilemma, a setback as well as all calamities and a mess that has been going on this world due to losing our soul expression and due to lack of  love and kindness.

It leads to depression, anxiety and all mental issues. We are in this materialistic word and we need to juggle everyday to meet priority which gives millions of compulsions that we need to manage no matter what. By these compulsions we have forgot our original identity because most of the population on this planet have soaked them selves in materialistic identity.

You are most probably thinking that what is the issue of enjoying material world? Is it not humans right to enjoy?

I want to emphasize here, that of course this vary world was created for every creature to enjoy this life, thrive, and make it way blissful than ever anyone could imagine. We definitely need to enjoy every facet of this world!!

The moment we realize that I am an eternal being, having human experience for just a brief time in this planet. When we understand of God’s creation, and we deeply realized that we are a pure creation of his intention, his ecstasy, he was enough kind to give this physical experience to us for this piece of life, we would start looking at this bigger matrix though his eyes.

This realization takes us beyond the physical world. This is a deep dive in the creation it self to find out, why I was born in the first place. We will experience an intellectual and spiritual shift.

we are having some hobbies and we think that they are the creativity. Yes!! they are. But I want to look at it from the spiritual angle, from higher identity for creation.  

This is one of the secrets, when our life purpose becomes creation, our intention for living life becomes creation, that is where we can express our soul state. 

When we shift ourselves from compulsion to creation, real shift happens and life starts blossoming on this planet.

You and me we are that golden flower, who has privilege to blossom.

Let’s not remain the seed only but nurture our soul and become that golden flower.

An esoteric knowledge, The secret of secret golden flower-OSHO

Let’s blossom together.


Love and Blessings 💜








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