What is an attachment? A beautiful story of Buddhist monk


What is an attachment? A beautiful story of Buddhist monk

This story is an amazing example to understand, what is an attachment? or what is called being attached to something or some one.

In this era where, human is thriving and flourishing like never before in human history. We have all materialistic world which is giving us comfort and facilitating our life which only could have been imagined as a dream. We have money in the bank accounts, big houses, branded car, cell phones, successful business, Artificial intelligence and a huge list of our inventions. 

We are becoming conscious of health and our spiritual life too. Humans have evolved so much that he rides car to go to gym to ride gym cycle which does not go anywhere. Lots of meditation and yoga is in the fashion now a days. Still physical health and mental health is crumbling like never before in human history. We have all what we ever wanted but still we are not happy, we are feeling that still something is missing. 

And that question what is missing is driving us to the spirituality. It is very important for us to liberate ourselves and understand what is the important aspect that we are not able to understand.  If we sense root cause we will liberate from illusive attachments and meditation will work in no time.we will realize and we will start feeling blissful once again.

Once there were two Buddhist monks, one was master and other was

disciple, going to their monastery. They had little long way to go, which was going through a village. There was a huge flood and they both were still walking through it. They both saw a young woman, was struggling to cross the water and she was not able to go to the other shore of that water. As no one was around that young woman requested these two monks if they can help her to reach where she wanted to go. So, the master told disciple that lets help that young woman. Disciple got little heisted because in Buddhism monks are supposed to maintain a distance with woman. But in this case his master who knows all the rules was telling him so he kept quite and followed him. As water was very heavy master finds only way to help that woman is he lifted that young woman up and took all the way through water to the next shore. 

Disciple was astonished with this situation but being with master, he kept quiet. Now they both started walking to their own way. Master was quite but as usual he was in his state that like nothing happened. Disciple was walking with him and just observing him quietly, but inside his mind he was blasting with those thoughts,what just happen a few minutes ago. He was thinking They are not supposed to touched her and still master did. Why did she ask for help when she knew that we are monks. Why master had to lift her?  Why this happened. Why master did not say that we can not help you because you are woman. His mind was constantly thinking about that. He try to keep himself silent but he could not. Now they both walked so far and it was a quite long time and he could not be silent anymore and just jumped and asked question to the master, 

He said Master please tell me why did you help that woman, we are monks and we are supposed to maintain distance. We are not allowed to attached with that kind of influence. Please explain.

Master smiled so gently and replied, I left that woman to the shore of the water, but you were caring her all the way here. 

He smiled again........ 

This is the difference between attachments and detachments.

 Love and blessing 💗



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