Some storms come in life to clear our life path, not to disturbed the life .


Some storms come in life to clear our life path, not to disturbed the life.

We are talking here about life. Life has a different meaning for all of us.

So, let's take deep dive and find hidden treasure which is definitely going to bring end of all suffering. 

yes! you read it right!!

Let's talk about Life, what do we call life or my life.







Liberation and so on.....

All of these facets are part of life, they facilitated life, they are not the life. Life means what is breathing and throbbing within us. That is pure life. We human has created different features to make life more delightful and experienceable. We have mistaken over a period of time by thinking that they are the life. We have attached to them and now it is so overwhelming due to imbalance of all these sides which is affecting life. 

No matter how much we are successful in all of these above facets, being wealthy, healthy, beautiful relationships and so on, there comes time in life at some point which brings unhappiness, doughs, illness, not having enough money, bitterness in ourselves as well as in our relationships. One rainy day or a word of someone, a nasty thought which we have pick upped from social media can ruin a day or eventually life if that becomes habit. If it lasts for some days or long period of time we are going to depression. We think someone has control over us. We lost everything even after we have achieved what we ever wanted in life.

We feel we are lost in the mid of life, do not know what to do, no advise works, no faith works, even after all wisdom that we have achieved in this life we fail at point in life. That feels storm which is wiping out and wrecking our soul. Why do we feel that? Because that one situation or a person or a place which starts giving us hard time through their actions, words or outcome of the togetherness. Whatever we do to fix with them it just does not works.

We start complaining to God if he is doing right, we blame him for doing wrong things to us. We question to karma theory if it is really in place and working. We will scream why only good people suffers and the bad ones enjoy life.

We question about God's existence too. 

This is the very crucial time of life because we would be the one going through storm and the rest of the world seems fine. friends, family will give advice will not make sense and we find irrelevant most of the time and at a peak of our soul screams why me? What is my fault?

This is the time where divinity comes in play, a divine power.  That point of time is demanding to understand about a conscious, divine and constants enlarging form which is around us, within us and filing each space in this universe, which calls universe or God or a formless substance which is proven by scientist. 

The existence of universe is blessings for us since it has divine will to help every human on these planets to always flourish and get to the next level.


When we face certain circumstances in life which is the sign of our karma and at the same time universe is at its divine will clearing our path with certain toxic situation or people, sometimes we are not ready to give up those toxic people, so universe plans certain storms to come in life and create a situation that naturally they go away or we give up on them. Most of the time we fail to realize that it is not mid of the mist, One door closes that does not means life has stops for us, God/Universe has plan to open a new door, a new opportunities for us.

In fact OSHO says that God is the source of kindness that he would only close one door when he has opened a new one for us. He has already planned a better way, a better path for us. That is us who lacks faith in him. We lack of devotion in his will. That is the divine reason that we find ourselves lost but all it takes us to look around and to realize which is new door that is going to bring new opportunities for us. 

why we have certain says ....

"The bend in road is not end of the road!" 

"whatever happens is for a reason."

"God knows what to do"....

"It is not the end yet if everything is not well."

All dot connects in the end of life and we realize why we came to the planet. This is so powerful statement for me.

So get up, Smile, a big smile and tell yourself.....

A divine declaration, a mediation....

" Universe that I have come to know and I except your bigger plan for myself. I understand you want me to take new higher levels of life and you do not want me to get stuck at older way of life. By sending this storm you are clearing my path. I am grateful for your grace. Thank you."

Love and blessings 💓



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