Respect yourself and love your self because there has never been a person like you and there never will be


Respect yourself and love your self because there has never been a person like you and there never will be -OSHO

What an ironic statement, because if we see the depth of spiritual meaning of this quote, it is the first important lesson of our existence.

When I read first time this sentence, I got goose bumps, because I realized what was missing in my understating which was hindering my journey within. I was trying to find that gap which was keeping myself away from that eternal peace which I was looking for. I was not able to access that dimension until I realized the immensity of this quote was going to bring for myself. 

In normal flow we understood, this sentence as just that love your self or love for only yourself. But actually, self love is very shallow understanding if we do not realize the higher insight, in which we indeed love our self and every life around us.

I had to ask myself certain questions which are very simple but with vast depth as.....

Who am I?

Why I have end up in this particular place/life?

Why I am here on this planet?

Why I am the way I am?

Why I have certain people in life who creates happiness or misery in my life?

Is there anything after this life?

what happens after death?

what happens before birth?

what am i doing between birth and death?

Now you are thinking that I am out of my mind and that is  why all these questions are floating in my mind, or are they even related anyways with this self love thing?

The bright side is yes, they are definitely related to each other if Our enquiry becomes burning desire to know the truth.

In general, what is the base of all of this question is what is the nature of my own existence.

You, me and everyone around us is unique and connected to the entire cosmos. Whatever we called nature, the only power, is connected with all of us. When we realized that creator of this entire universe, creation which we called entire universe and creature which is all of us is one. In short creator, creation and creature is one, just a form is different. We are identifying ourselves with this form which is creating illusion.

Yes!! you read it right. we are one, we are a part of bigger identity, we are a part of huge and very complex matrix.

But the good news is we are not only a part of it, but we are it. we are of it. we are each other; we are one other. We are one.

Let’s elaborate this........

One of the great Yogi in this living era he explained so beautifully that Lets imaging we are the bubbles. There are bubbles everywhere. Every bubble think that they are separate and individuals. (It is entire deep topic to talk about why they are individuals). They look like they are independent from each other due to there physical look. But when bubble burst, the air which was in the bubble is merged with universal air, where bubble was thinking of it was its own, that air has totally integrated in the air of universe, that no bubble can identified with its own separate existence. 

The significance of these is to understand that due to physical body an illusion is created that all lives are distinct and detached but at higher levels we are always one. Just one. 

This philosophy can not be discussed because it is universal truth. When we make our self available to the truth then only, we have privilege to accept it. Now at this stage we are ready to love with real gut to our self and everyone around us, we do not need validation from anyone at interval to remind us that why to love our self and other around us for real reasons.

One of the finest human being on this planet has said a beautiful message to human being is 

"Be, do not try to become"-OSHO

"Find ecstasy within yourself, it is not out here. It is in your innermost flowering"-OSHO 

To reach to this state we need to understand that inner peace which comes by understanding of oneness, which brings eternal love for our self and others. That state is God, That energy is called God. That is love. 

"You are that"- Tatvamashi 

Love and blessingđź’—




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