A Mind is beautiful servant and dangerous master!


A Mind is beautiful servant and dangerous master! -OSHO

If we understand this quote in spiritual way, it is very beautiful to realize the root cause of our unhappiness.

Point to be noted, in this blog, mind is refer to ego based mind(a mind full of judgment, perception, fearful, jealous, insecure, etc) Someone ask this question that, why in this era of the world where human being has achieved an enormous success in every area of life, and still, most of the population on this planet is in the pain.

All kind of pain, physical, mental, financial, success, and so on.

Everyone is suffering everything, 

if we have job we suffer, if we do not, we suffer.

if we are married, we suffer, if we are not, we suffer

if we have kids we suffer, if we do not, we suffer

if we have lots of money we suffer, if we do not, we suffer

if we have knowledge we suffer, if we do not, we suffer so what is the cause and why is that so.......

To understand this let us take an example that you are the owner of the branded car sitting in the back seat, your driver is driving car. You gave him instructions to follow all rules. Now after some time you have slept in the back seat in deep sleep that you are not going to wake up any time soon and driver knows about it so now, he is free and is not following your rules, he abuses you with his driving skill, speeding, putting breaks so hard. He broke all your rules, now your safety and life are in his hands, not in your control anymore. your servant has become your boss and boss has become servant.

So, you are saying your life is not happening your way, why because someone whom you hired for your facility has become your boss. he has got his own rules. So, answer is your life will not go the way you want because it is in his control and rules, not yours anymore.

That has happened with all humans, that our life is in our mind, in control of mind, and we are suffering that i am doing so much but My life is not happening my way. 

Mind should be our servant, because it is just a tool to make this life function well. We should not be identified with it. It must be following our rules and it must used by us as a tool. 

We are living life in the mind, 

We are functioning with mind,

Mind is ruling us and that is why we have been attached to all kind of suffering which is leading us to the life which feels a trap, not a freedom. This stage will never give us freedom but always we go to a pit which is bottomless. Pit means we do not know where we are going but we are going which leads us to darkness.

He said so beautifully.....

"Darkness is the absence of light, ego is the absence of awareness!"-OSHO

Mind is ego, it functions with ego. whatever is based on ego which leads us to attachments, attachments tie us down. if we are tied down life will become prison and it will create suffering and misery in all area and aspect of life regardless how much we have achieved in this materialistic life.

Here we need to understand what is attachment? Attachments means when we identified our life with materials what we have in our life. A house, a car, a spouse, kids, a job, a bank balance, a business and so on. When we think that our happiness is depends on them, when we call them, they are our life, I own them than its attachments. They are part of our life; their very existence is for making this life easy. Your life is not what you have, but is what is looking through your eyes, your life is within you. It is pure and free of everything. It does not need anyone to be happy. 

Our misery and happiness are solely depending on all these outer aspects. when we call that I own them. They should behave my way. We star expectation towards each and everyone, which will never be fulfilled since they are individual matters.  

Attachment is very misunderstood word throughout ages. we understood being detached means not having any feeling towards any person/situation and martials stuff in life. which is very wrong understanding.

We do enjoy life with what all we have but we do not depend on them for our happiness but we give them the best of us without expecting anything in return. we achieve true liberation from this very entire world, it creates compassion towards every life around us. It takes us to higher level of love and kindness towards this process of life and every breathing and throbbing creature in this universe. 

At this stage we start evolve our self though consciousness. Being conscious means aware. Aware of our own action, feeling towards other being, using materials but not identified with them. We take charge of our destiny and actions without blaming someone or God himself. 

Life is our own making, but this miracle happens only by being conscious, being aware of every moment, and letting mind use as tool, using mind only when it is needed, otherwise take charge of yourself.
Why meditation is so popular in these eras, because it is a technique to silence the mind. Once the mind is silent, we have higher chances to be aware. We will be able to stop that mental chatter which is always on for most of the population, which is most of the time unnecessary. 

When we achieve this state, we become the finest version of human being.

"When we learn to be silent, we will be home, anywhere we go"-Osho.

Love and blessing💗






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