
Showing posts from June, 2021

Tomorrow never comes, it is always today!

Tomorrow never comes, it is always today!  This is one of the beautiful quotes which helps me find my inner peace whenever I am stress out with this hectic life schedule. Why it is important to realize about present moment of our life? Because we have achieved the peak of successful era of human life but still we are feeling that we are missing something.  The biggest  situation  this world is facing right now is,  we are very much aware of our healthy diet for the body, we care about our financial status, we care about big house, branded car, beautiful/handsome/loving loyal partner, or so on.   But we never care for our emotional health. We are not even aware  how to take care of it. We don’t think about our inner world.  Why? We never knew that emotional health is as important as all other aspect in the life. Since this has happened whole lot of people on this Planet are suffering with mental issues. People have all they want in their life, most of the people have reached at wa

A Mind is beautiful servant and dangerous master!

  A Mind is beautiful servant and dangerous master! -OSHO If we understand this quote in spiritual way, it is very beautiful to realize the root cause of our unhappiness. Point to be noted, in this blog, mind is refer to ego based mind(a mind full of judgment, perception, fearful, jealous , insecure, etc) So meone ask this question that, why in this era of the world where human being has achieved an enormous success in every area of life, and still, most of the population on this planet is in the pain. All kind of pain, physical, mental, financial, success, and so on. Everyone is suffering everything,  if we have job we suffer, if we do not, we suffer. if we are married, we suffer, if we are not, we suffer if we have kids we suffer, if we do not, we suffer if we have lots of money we suffer, if we do not, we suffer if we have knowledge we suffer, if we do not, we suffer so what is the cause and why is that so....... To understand this let us take an example that you are t