How to shift your life to the next level and make thriving and prosperous life, through devotion.

 How to shift your life to the next level to make thriving and prosperous life, through devotion. 

Let us try to understand - What is that phenomena which is right here right now, all it takes to realize just in a moment.

So what is the secrets? 

If we shift the spiritual levels, than all the levels of life are bound to shift, this is the secret and a basic knowledge at the same time.

so lets start, it is time to fly.....

prayer and devotion.

When we deeply understand that I am spiritual being having human experience for a brief time and I am an eternal being, I am not a body nor a mind. from that moment we can achieve the state of real prayers and devotion.

  When you are sitting still, tears are flowing from both eyes with joy because words are not able to describe that feelings, you are trying to tell the God/ Universe/ that power which runs this universe (you can mention what you believe in) that I only want you and nothing else because that is the only thing is worth in life, a burning desire like child is crying for candy with all innocence. From this stage you, your life, your surrounding becomes prayer.


    Miracles starts happening. Life shifts to another level, our spiritual, material,            physical and mental lives start thriving.



This is not a Philosophy which can be discussed for ages and even after that everyone would have their different understanding, this is pure science, which was developed thousands of years ago, for us, for entire humanity to follow and not just survive here on the planet but to realize that we are here to thrive, to flourish at all the levels.

Now tons of questions are floating in mind after this realization ....

How do I reach that state?

Why should I reach there?

When will I be there?

Am I already there?

I would seat and ask these questions to myself, if I really have burning desire to find out those  answers.

If you are here, reading this blog, it is a sign that you are aspiring a new level in the life.

It would be unfair if I try to fit detail description about all these questions right now since it is huge in itself, in future I will write about them in detail if time allows me.

You will know when you are there, or we need some one who can just give us a hint or elaborate description.

You will know when you are there. You do not ask for it, you do not demand for it, just be in that state, it is a state of mind, heart and soul.

When we let it go control over life, and situation.  We realize I do not control but I do not blame either God or person or situation. But still, I take responsibility of everything what is happing in life, and than we truly surrender....


But now a big question that surrender to who?

To the life, to the situation, to another person???

It’s not the war that we are defeated, and we are surrendering to the winner Saying “hey, I can not do anymore so I give up.” 

No, no... big no to this understanding. 

What I understood is Surrender to the God, universe, the power which runs this cosmos, saying that I do not control anything, I trust in you and your timing, things you have decided for me are the best and they are coming in my life at a perfect time. I devote my self and my life to the higher power, and yet I am responsible for my every action, each word what I say and every thought what I think. I am taking charge of myself, my role which is given me to this life, I am going to fulfill every moment with devotion with my actions.

Let it all go and see what stays-Osho. A true human life stars after this stage of realization. 

When we start living in this state of realization of every moment, miracles happen, life will become phenomena, our family will start thrive, business will flourish, health will be at best, relationships will make sense, we will know where we are headed and why? We will no longer doubt our journey on this planet. we will have all the answers we were struggling for this life.

This is the highest form of life and real human life which one can live right here, right now.

Love and blessings💗




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