
What does it mean to evolve in the life? Why it is important to evolve beyond life?

  Actually, you are ready to evolve in your higher dimension to find out who you really are? Your subconscious mind is asking you what the real reason that you have come to this physical body? What is the purpose of life on this planet? it is difficult to describe in few words because words have it own limitations. or it can not be described at all, it has to be experienced!! let me try! But words have it own limitations as well as human logical mind has its own limitations to understand!! 1.  W e are spiritual beings, having human experience temporarily in this body. 2.   We basically came here to experience the physical aspects of this material world. 3.   Yet we need to make our way to experience that nothing is as worthy enough on this planet as the divine love. 4.   We need to experience the individual self to universal self. (what I mean is we all are one, due to time and space it feels and seems individual, we need to understand at experience it) 5.   Human life is

What is the biggest truth every one must realize in the life ?

  Accepting the fact that everyone is coming on perfect time in the life, and leaving on perfect time. We need to realize what they brought to our life.   A lesson or Success. God knows who to bring in your life and when to remove them, in terms of your personal growth. Nothing is permanent in this life , except the continuous change. so how to deal with this? Buddhism says” we all are here to liberate each other” what it means……we appear in someone’s life to help them to learn their lessons and vice versa. Ones we Learned those lessons we are free from it. Enjoy the next level. It is like we are part of multi layered matrix called this world, designed by Universe. We are in the game where we can not finish our own life cycle without learning our lessons (which we have earlier denied, ignored, try to escape). We need to graduate every level to go back to our original home. It is a huge game, yet so vast, deep and phenomenally design that we need to follow those rules ☺️. ( I feel like

What is desire? Why we are suffering with desires?

  Why we are not satisfied with love in this world? Why we are not satisficed with our desires/intimacy? Lets understand deeply. "Nothing is attractive, it is our own unsatisfied desires are giving perception of being them attractive"- Urvashi Mehta  "Life is neutral, we give a meaning to it."-Urvashi Mehta What does it mean? when we have deep rooted desires, we will be attracted to those kind of people, objects or situation. Desires could be positive or negative. Hence you will attract positive or negative people or circumstances in life.  You are going to  ask me Urvashi... What is wrong having desires?  Without desires what could be life look like?  I want to enjoy my desires.... My point is, If you want to understand the suffering of human life, than you must understand how this physicals dimension is designed? Why humans are always running after something in the life? Why we as a people, we always chase something or other in entire life, either consciously or s

Why doing nothing is so tiring?

  Why doing nothing is so tiring? Your question is very powerful to awaken the person. Let us understand, we are humans, with powerful minds and extra ordinary intelligence of human body. We have capabilities to go beyond this physical world. We must achieve a whole Universe if we aspire too. so, if we do not do anything any seat at all, the natural instinct from within will give you depression for not using your own capacity. Point to be noted, we were born on the planet to contribute to the world, not to survive and do own things. I have experienced that unless we become awaken from within, and choose the life consciously we will not have privilege to live life of our own. We are conditioned by the society to live conditioned life. The way out of it is, to realize who you are? Why you are here on the planet in this body? now you are going to ask me, I got awakened, now what? How I am going to live my own life? What if I tell you, you are writing your destiny every momen

Why do we listen music?

  Why do we listen music? Music is for soul. Soul, our lives are driven by emotions. Emotions have power to take us beyond this physical life. Blessings 🌺  

How do you go about your life when you have no one to rely on?

  How do you go about your life when you have no one to rely on? Accepting the fact that everyone is coming on perfect time in the life, and leaving on perfect time. We need to realize what they brought to our life? A lesson or Success. God knows who to bring in your life and when to remove them, in terms of your personal growth. Nothing is permanent in this life , except the continuous change. so how to deal with this? Buddhism says” we all are here to liberate each other” what it means……we appear in someone’s life to help them to learn their lessons and vice versa. Ones we Learned that lessons we are free from it. Enjoy the next level. It is like we are part of multi layered matrix called this world, designed by Universe. We are in the game where we can not finish our own life cycle without learning our lessons (which we have earlier denied, ignored, try to escape). We need to graduate every level to go back to our original home. It is a huge game. But it so vast, dee

Why do some people like to be alone?

 Why do some people like to be alone? Let’s not generalize this question for all of them who likes to be alone. being alone is different. being lonely is different. I am going to explain only the what it means to be alone or by own self. this world creates lots of drama and it kills your inner peace. We loose a whole lot of energy from our life to maintain this drama. when people around you do not vibrate on same frequency as yours. When people do not see the goal or future as you see for yourself. when people around you do not help you to maintain your identity as well as help you succeed. People who goes so deep in spiritual path, will have compassion and grace for others but they will know deeply that every person is faking their emotions, hence they laugh inside but keep distance. Being alone is power. It is powerful. It gives tremendous strength in any area of life. Because that individual knows he can achieve whatever he wants without relying on someone. Aloneness is not negative